Monday, August 15, 2011

True History-Veritas Card #5-The Flood

The Flood- Genesis 6-9

  We saw that the first murder took place when Cain killed Abel, now that sin had entered the world. By the time we get to Genesis 6, man's wickedness had increased so much. Men were even devising new ways of sinning. Mankind was now out of control. God had to intervene. He had no choice but to destroy mankind. He was grieved because of the wickedness of the people He created.
  One man found favor in God's sight and he was spared from God's judgment. God was going to send a worldwide flood that would destroy every person on the earth, unless they were in the ark of safety. God told Noah to build an ark and he was to take a male and female animal of each species on the ark. Also, his family went on the ark. So Noah, his family, and animals were on the ark, and God caused it to rain for forty days and nights. The entire earth was covered with water. Every living thing was destroyed.
    When the flood was over, God made a promise that He would never again destroy the world by a flood. He gave a sign of His covenant, a rainbow, along with the promise. The next time God will judge the earth, it will be with fire.
  You can see a replica of Noah's ark at the Creation Museum in Kentucky.
  An interesting side note: As I was looking through the search to find the url for the Creation Museum, I noticed quite a few reviews on the Creation Museum from the major media organizations, and interestingly, there were a few negative reactions that I saw. It is amazing that when truth is put forth, out in the open, the Enemy is not happy. We will see more and more criticism as time goes on. More and more made up stories to fit unhappy agendas. It always begs the question, "Who is behind the media, anyway?"

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