Communism, Fascism, and Other Forms of Tyrannical Governments

Look at how sneaky Communism is. Here is a quote from a former Communist ruler, Nikita Khrushchev:
 "We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism,but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism,until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."

Quote by: Nikita Khrushchev
(1894-1971) Premier of the Soviet Union

Wasn't he the one that said (in reference to Americans) "We will bury you.". This man hated capitalism. He hated the fact that people could build their own business. In his mind, that was a threat to Communism, which is what he was implementing. 

Here is a short paragraph from Truth in Action Ministries, that I thought was good at explaining the ramifications of socialism:

Socialism’s aim is to “redistribute the wealth,” but in practice it leads to communism and gives the government prohibitive control of every aspect of life— many times with deadly results, as in Communist regimes where millions have been slaughtered, victims to tyrants like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.
 You probably won't hear much on the terms 'socialism' and 'communism' because we have people in the government, right now, who would like to put the part of History dealing with socialism and communism under the rug. Let's erase this stuff from our History text books, then by the time the next generation comes around, they won't be able to associate these terms with anything that truly pertains to them. Communism will be more welcomed. When people accept what it is, even if it comes under another name, it will become part of the fiber of our society. Once it is implemented, and our freedoms are completely gone, then we will see why we should never have accepted its ideas in the first place. But it will be too late then, because there won't be freedom of speech. That's the whole goal of Communism. To take away your freedom, my freedom, our children's freedom their children's freedom, and make them all subject to a rulership that they must obey, but will be very oppressive for them. When that happens, the world will be ruled by a greedy, elite group of people who have no intentions of helping or caring for people. They will use their rulership to serve themselves and become more greedy, and more oppressive to the people. Is this what we want? Can we change the current tide of the way our nation is going today?

   When I was in school in the 1960's and 70's, we learned History, and we learned it well. We learned about the different forms of government that were employed in various countries throughout known History. In the Bible, we can see that God institutes government. Government, itself is a good thing to have. The problem comes when unregenerate people find themselves in various offices of government. Most of the time, there will be some kind of abuse, whether it be minor, due to unwise decisions being made, or whether it be major, such as a dictatorship where people are oppressed by a ruler who believes he owns the people he rules. We have seen in modern History, abuses of government, whether it be the communism of North Korea, or the Fascism of the Nazis in Germany.

According to the Bible, human beings are depraved, which means they have the ability to become very selfish and sinful, and, if left to themselves, will become rotten and harmful to others. At the start of the human race, we see the first murder take place between two brothers. One was jealous of the other one, and had him killed. A couple of generations later, the Bible says that mankind was so wicked, that they were devising new ways of being wicked. I can't imagine what the people were doing, but if they weren't destroyed in the Great Flood, they probably would have ended up killing each other!

Today is really no different. We live in a society where we can do what we want, or, we can believe what we want, unless of course, someone is offended by what we believe in! Because we are composed of so many unregenerate people, doing their own thing, we have become a corrupt society and unless something changes, we could end up destroying each other and ourselves as well. (For more information on what it means to be 'unregenerate' go to Are You A Good Person? )

With all that in mind, I want to put a couple of definitions out here of some words, that I probably learned about in History, but maybe the young readers of this blog would be unfamiliar with. It is important because we really do need to understand about government and how God intends for government to be, and what is becoming of the government of the United States of America today.

I got this word from the Internet on a page that says 'Fascism definition for kids'. Here is what the definition says: It is a form of government where the people are led by a dictator, or a small group of people. The dictator has a vision of what he wants his country to be like and pushes the population towards his goals. A good example of this is Italy during World War II, led by Benito Musolini (sp?).

Read more:

Here is the definition of Communism: Communism
  1. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
  2. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

The Communist mind-set believes that all business should come out of government, or be owned or run by the government. So, if you are a doctor, for example, you would essentially work for the government and your pay would be at a set rate. There would be little or no people going into business for themselves. The creativity of what a person could do with their business would end. Everything would be subject to the government. 

I am totally aware that young people are not taught Americanism Vs. Communism anymore. That is why I am writing this page. I hope you will take this to heart and realize that we are not safe in our American environment today. College and University Professors would love nothing more than for you to be ignorant of Communism and Fascism. They want you to stay in the darkness, for if you do, then perhaps during your lifetime, Communism will be able to be implemented in our government. 

The Founding Fathers of this nation founded this land and many died so that we could have freedom today. We should be thankful for what they did and what it accomplished. But we need to be aware too, that there are those who want us to lose our freedoms. Why? Because people love power and are greedy and if there is any way they can control a nation, they think they would be satisfied. In every person there is a love of control. If it isn't stopped, it will create disaster, not only for us, but for others around us. We need to be aware of this, and become a faithful citizen for the health of our country. Please consider what I have written here today.
Breaking News - 05/21/14
Communism creeping into our government

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