Thursday, November 29, 2012

Today in History - November 29, 1898 - Birth of C.S. Lewis

Birth of C.S. Lewis - November 29, 1898

   Today in History, C.S. Lewis made his entry into the world. He was a Christian writer of his day, and wrote the books, 'The Screwtape Letters', 'Mere Christianity', and 'The Chronicles of Narnia'.
  Born in Belfast, Ireland, C.S. Lewis lost his mother, to cancer, when he was 9, became and atheist at age 15, and was converted to Christ at the age of 31, under the teachings of G.K. Chesterton. He married late in life at the age of 59, and widowed 4 years later due to his wife's suffering from bone cancer. He died on November 22, 1963, at his home known as 'The Kilns'. He is buried in the grave yard of the Holy Trinity Church in Headington Quarry in Oxford.

"He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it, hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart."

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. "

“There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal...."

Happy Birthday, C.S.!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

History, Government, and Voting Part 4

Today is the last day for voting in America. The results will show who will be president the next four years. As we have looked at the History of the human race and civilization, we see that there have always been political problems. We have these problems because human beings are sinful. Ever since the time of Adam and Eve, people have indulged their sinful hearts and have come close to destroying civilization. And we know the answer for that is the Gospel. When Jesus came, He did not overthrow the kingdoms of the world. They will continue until Jesus returns to literally set up His kingdom, for He says that His kingdom is not of this world.
   So what do we do in the meantime? Should we try to create a device to take us to another planet to live? This is where I think a lot of Christians struggle. I have seen/heard people say that they are going to vote for Jesus in this election. That sounds honoring to God, at first, but is that what God wants us to do? I wouldn't be surprised if the results of the polls show Jesus name written in on many ballots! But the Bible is very clear that Jesus isn't running for president and we do have to take this voting seriously and prayerfully.
   Christian people are still in the world, but not of the world. People tend to go to one side of this or the other. I have heard that A.W. Pink, in his older years, was so dissatisfied with the church, and never found one to suit him because there was something wrong with each of them he attended, that he ended up living his last days with his wife, on a remote Scottish island. I see a lot of people today doing this same thing. I observe people trying out church after church, but never finding that one that matches the criteria set out. I see people doing this, and they finally end up starting their own church and meeting in their own homes. This is interesting, because I still don't think that followers of Jesus Christ really understand the depravity of man, and somehow are thinking that there would be a church that would be perfect and measure up to God's standards, but the sad reality is, that there is no perfect church while people are living on earth. Are there churches with people who love God and are growing spiritually? Yes, there are. God is working in many ways in the church. But if you are a person looking for a perfect church, and you attend one of these churches, you will end up being disappointed because people are still working through sanctification and haven't arrived yet! It will happen, one day, when the Perfect comes!
  So where does that leave us today? It leaves us in a fallen world, but with the privilege of voting for the person who we think will do the best job as president of the U.S. We have a choice of two men. The one who is our current president has made decisions and implemented laws to lead us into socialism. Some people think that is good, but I have to ask,what was it that they actually learned in History classes? When I was a kid, we learned about Communism, however I believe all that changed when I was in high school. We don't study Communism anymore because the public school system doesn't see a danger in it. Since the Berlin Wall fell, we don't need to focus on it anymore. But what is happening in our school system, is happening because those who decide what will be taught, have a socialistic mindset. This mindset is in every school system in America now, and our colleges and universities are overflowing with the socialistic philosophy.
   For more information on Communism, Fascism, and Socialism, please go to the tab that will take you to that page. I would imagine that our young people don't really even know what Communism is. I would recommend everyone take it to heart to study this subject, for if we don't understand it, it will take over.
   So, basically, your vote will count today. You will either vote for a man who has a socialistic mindset, or you will vote for someone else. The opposing candidate does not have a socialistic mindset, and has good work ethics. However, both men are sinful men in God's sight, just as the rest of us are. We all need God's help. We need His help to see our sin as ugly and we need to want to be free from our sin. So, whoever we vote for will be a candidate who has a sinful nature. Should that cause us to not vote? Of course not! The Bible doesn't indicate that we have to vote for the holiest Christian. We vote for the man who will make the best and wisest decisions for the safety and progress of our country.
   We need to pray for the elected candidate, as well as pray for our nation. Our nation used to be a safe place of those who were suffering in other nations. The church in America could successfully minister to other far away believers in Jesus Christ. Will the church in America be able to continue to do that though, after tonight. If we elect people into office with a socialistic mindset, we risk our freedom of religion (not that Christianity is a 'religion') and if we lose that right, we could face the true church having to go underground.
  So let's take our responsibility seriously, and realistically. We are not voting for a church pastor. We are voting for a president, who should be able to provide peace and safety for our nation. So, my recommendations are; Use wisdom, pray, and vote. Be a responsible, wise, citizen. And let's pray our our nation and not give up the fight. Our great grandchildren will be grateful for what we invested.