Monday, November 28, 2011

Veritas Card #57 - Solomon Given Wisdom

Solomon Given Wisdom - 1 Kings 3

   Once King David's life on earth came to an end, his son, Solomon was to be the new king of Israel. He was young, but demonstrated maturity and humility when God asked him what would be the desire of his heart. After Solomon woke up and thought about what God was asking him, he asked God for wisdom in order to lead the people of Israel properly. Solomon realized the responsibility of ruling this large group of people, who were God's chosen people. Solomon could have asked for a lot of money, or a long life, but he knew he needed God's help with such a great responsibility.
   God did indeed give Solomon wisdom. He had more wisdom than any other man who ever lived on the face of the earth. Not only did God give him wisdom, but God blessed him with wealth and tremendous power throughout the whole world.
   Solomon's reputation spread to far away places. A queen from Sheba heard about Solomon's wisdom and made a special trip to see him. During this part of Solomon's reign, Israel was blessed and was truly a light to the other nations that surrounded them.

This took place around 970 B.C.

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