Wednesday, November 9, 2011

True History - Veritas Card # 46 - David is Anointed as King

David is Anointed as King - 1 Samuel 16

     We learned that God rejected Saul as being the king of Israel. There was going to be a new king, and God sent Samuel to anoint him. But Samuel was afraid of Saul because Saul might try to kill him if he found out that Samuel was anointing another man to be king in his place. God sent Samuel to make a sacrifice at Bethlehem. God also told Samuel that the new king was going to be one of Jesse's sons. God would show Samuel which one it was going to be.
   So Samuel went to Bethlehem in order to offer the sacrifice. Each of Jesse's sons was going to go before him and when the right one passed in front of him, God was going to show him. Eliab was the first . He was handsome and tall, and Samuel was sure that he was the one to be anointed as the new king. Each of the sons were presented to Samuel, one at a time, but none of the sons were to be anointed as king. Samuel asked Jesse if he had any more sons. Jesse told him that there was one more son, who was tending sheep. There were messengers sent to fetch David, who was the youngest son. This was the one God had chosen to be the new king! So Samuel anointed David.
   Saul was in a very bad state. The Spirit of God had left Saul, and now an evil spirit was troubling him. Someone recommended that they bring in a harp player to help sooth Saul from his affliction because of the evil spirit that was tormenting him. Since David played the harp, he was the one brought in to minister to Saul, by playing for him. Saul then loved David. He made him his armor bearer. But will Saul's feelings always be positive toward David? Stay tuned to see what happens.
   David being anointed as king happened around 1030 B.C.

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