Wednesday, November 2, 2011

True History - Veritas Card #41 - Samuel, the Last Judge of Israel

Samuel, the Last Judge of Israel - 1 Samuel 2-4

   Around 1065 years before Jesus was born, a man named Samuel was a faithful minister before the Lord. Yesterday, we learned about Hannah praying that she would have a child, and that she would give that child to the Lord's service. Well, she had a little boy and his name was Samuel. Samuel's name means 'Asked of God' and Hannah did indeed ask God for a child! He was the answer to her prayer.
  When Samuel was around three years old, Hannah took him to the Tabernacle and put him in Eli's care. Eli was the priest at that time. Eli had two sons. Their names were Hophni and Phinehas. Both of these sons did not serve the true and living God. They served themselves and were very selfish. They stole and committed immorality with women who served at the Tabernacle. They provoked God's people. They were basically very wicked. And God was not pleased.
   One night, Samuel was in bed. He heard a voice calling to him. Samuel thought it was Eli calling for him. This happened three times. Eli finally realized that God was speaking to Samuel, and told him to listen to what God was going to tell him.
   That night, God told Samuel that He was going to destroy Eli's household and that Samuel would serve in their place. That is exactly what happened.
   Samuel was a faithful judge all the days of his life. He was there when Saul became king, and after Saul had fallen. He was the one who anointed David to be king over Israel.

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