Wednesday, November 9, 2011

True History - Veritas Card #47 - David and Goliath

True History - Veritas card #47 - David and Goliath

    I'm sure many of you have heard the story of David and Goliath. What do you think the point of the story is? This event took place around 1028 B.C.
   Israel had a lot of enemies. Because they were God's chosen people, and God was fighting for them, the other nations were not happy. One of those countries was the Philistines. We have already seen some of the activity of the Philistines (see Samson and Delilah). Well in today's lesson, Israel was at war with this group of people.
    The people of Israel and the Philistines were both getting their armies ready to do battle. While they were in the camp grounds, a really big guy named Goliath steps forward. Not only does he make fun of the Israelites, but he defies the true and living God. He challenged Israel to send out a champion to fight him. He was so tall, probably around nine feet (how would you like your dad to be that tall?), and he was trained in battle. He told the Israelites that if the champion could defeat him, the Philistines would have to serve Israel. But if he were the winner, Israel would have to serve the Philistines. This challenge went on for forty days. No one on Israel's side dared to answer Goliath's challenge.
    David had to go into the camp to bring food to his brothers. David also heard what Goliath had said and the challenge he put out to the Israelites. David became distressed when he heard Goliath mocking God. David volunteered to fight Goliath. At this time, Saul sent for David. He told Saul that he was willing to fight Goliath. He related how he had killed a lion and a bear. So Saul gave David his armor. The armor didn't fit well on David as it was too large for him to wear. So he took it off.
   While David was by a brook, he picked up five smooth stones. Goliath thought that David was funny. But David informed Goliath that he came in the name of the Lord. Then David used his sling and stone and he struck Goliath in the forehead killing him. That was the end of Goliath. He wasn't so powerful after all. David took Goliath's sword and cut off his head. All his taunting and now he is no more. God saw to that and now Israel would be at peace again for a little while.

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