Tuesday, November 1, 2011

True History - Veritas Card #40 - Hannah and Eli

Hannah and Eli - 1 Samuel 1-2

   Back in the Old Testament days, it was not unusual for a man to have more than one wife at a time. God did not desire that men should be married to more than one woman at a time, and this is called 'polygamy'. Today we are going to learn about a lady named Hannah, who was married to a man named Elkanah. Elkanah had two wives. One of them was Hannah, but the other one was named Peninnah. Peninnah was very prideful and would make fun of Hannah, because Hannah was not able to have children. Peninnah had many children. She would berate Hannah. Hannah would become so upset that she would not eat.
   One day when Hannah was distressed, she went up to the tabernacle to pray. As she was praying, the priest could see her lips moving, but couldn't hear what she was saying. He misunderstood her and thought she was drunk. He rebuked her for that! He told her to leave the tabernacle. She explained that she was praying that God would give her a child, and she would give that child would serve God in the tabernacle. Eli realized he made a mistake and told her that the Lord would answer her prayer. Not too long after that, a baby boy was born to her. His name was Samuel, which probably means 'God heard'. After Samuel was weaned, Hannah brought him to the tabernacle in Shiloh.
  Hannah sang a song of praise to God after she left Samuel at the tabernacle. The song was about how God blesses the humble poor and curses the wicked.
  The time period for Hanah and Eli was around 1075 B.C.

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