Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Veritas Card #56 - Solomon's Reign

Solomon's Reign - 2 Chronicles 1-9

    From around 971 B.C. until 931 B.C., Solomon, a son of David, reigned as king over Israel. The day came for David to die, and now one of his sons was chosen to be the new king, and that son was Solomon. Solomon was known as one of the wisest persons who ever existed. Solomon now had the task of ruling a country. God asked Solomon in a dream "What shall I give you?". Out of all the things that Solomon could have asked for, he asked for wisdom. He could have asked for riches or for a long life, but he knew that he needed wisdom from God now that he was the leader of the nation.
    During this time, no war was taking place. David had wanted to build a temple for God to be worshiped in. But it was Solomon who was to build this temple. It was an elaborate structure and was decorated with gold. God had chosen people whom he gave special talents to, to work on it as it was being built. The Ark of the Covenant was kept in a room called the Holy of Holies, which was the innermost sanctuary. This temple was in the place where Mount Moriah was located.
   There was a time when Solomon's reputation for his wisdom became known to many people. A woman who was the Queen of Sheba came a very long way to see him. The woman was impressed with the way God had blessed Solomon. She had many questions she wanted to ask him.
   Sadly, during the end of Solomon's life, he was led astray and worshiped idols. He was married to foreign women and they influenced him to turn to idolatry. He turned away from God and became wicked before his death. He reigned over Israel for forty years and his son, Rehoboam became the next king.

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