Tuesday, January 17, 2012

True History - Veritas Card #31 (Blue) - Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt

Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt - around 332 B.C.

    We studied about Alexander the Great yesterday. He founded one of the greatest empires that ever existed. Yet he died when he was only 33. No one was able to rightly take his place, because no plans had been made before his death. So his army generals ended up fighting for control.
   Before his death, he was able to conquer many lands. One of them was Egypt. Prior to this, in 525 B.C., a brutal Persian ruler conquered Egypt. His name was Cambyses. He did not approve of the Egyptian deities. After that, several Egyptian dynasties came and went. None lasted very long.
    Have you ever heard of the town called Alexandria in Egypt? Here is how it got its name; Alexander, who was the king of Macedon, conquered the entire Persian Empire, and along with it, he conquered Egypt. The Egyptians were happy about this because they hated the Persians. Alexander founded a town that was in the area of the mouth of the Nile, and that town was the town he named after himself: Alexandria.
   Before Alexander died, he wanted one of his generals to take his place. He wanted the strongest one, and he was to reign after him. Then four of the strongest generals divided up his kingdom. A man named Ptolemy I took Egypt as his share. He and his descendants ruled Egypt for 250 years. The last of the Ptolemys was Cleopatra. That also was the end of all the pharaohs in Egypt.

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