Sunday, January 15, 2012

True History - Veritas Card #17 - Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great - 356 B.C. to 323 B.C.

      Alexander the Great was the son of King Philip of Macedon who was the ruler of Greece. He was born in or around 356 B.C. and died 323 B.C. so his life was not very long.
    When Alexander was young, his father sent him to Athens in order to receive an education. Aristotle was his teacher. He became king at the age of 20, when his father died. Alexander became a military genius as well. In 334 B.C., he invaded Persia and eventually gained control of Asia Minor. He also defeated King Darius. He ended up ruling all of Persia. His goal was to gain control of the whole world and have everyone under his domain.
   This man had put together the greatest empire the world had ever known, and because of his great success, he was called, 'The Great'. He only lived 33 years and became sick and died. The only heir to his kingdom would be an infant son. Alexander did not prepare for his death and therefore there was no one set to take his place. Men tried to gain control of the empire for seven years, and four of his army generals divided the empire among themselves.
    Alexander had great goals. He had a dream of ruling the whole world at the time of his life. One day, Jesus will come back and set up His kingdom here on earth. Everyone then will be under His rule. Every person is either part of God's kingdom, or part of Satan's kingdom. "No man can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other...." The key is, which kingdom are you part of? For more information on this, go to, or,

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