Sunday, January 22, 2012

True History - Veritas Card #20 - Reign of Julius Caesar

Reign of Julius Caesar - 59 - 44 B.C.

   Around 100 years prior to the birth of Christ, Julius Caesar was born. He came from a noble family which were known as patricians. He studied several subjects such as math, literature, astronomy, music, and Rhetoric, plus, he learned Latin and Greek.
   Caesar was a military leader and led his troops into Gaul and conquered it. (Gaul was the old name for France). He faithfully sent reports back to his people in Rome. Favor was upon him because of his success. Pompey was the consul of Rome at that time (58 B.C.) and the Senate ordered Caesar to come home, and disband his army. Of course, Caesar was afraid to return home. He suspected that Pompey didn't like him, so instead of just coming home in a peaceful way, he came with his army and seized control of Rome.
    He became the ruler of Rome and did many things to improve the way the city was run. Now laws were being passed that prohibited people who were in debt to be sold into slavery. He built many public buildings and made fair taxes. He also changed the calendar to make it more like the one we have today.
   Many people thought highly of Caesar, but the Senate did not think favorably of him. They didn't like what he was doing and had different views than Caesar. Some of the people wanted to go back to a republican government. Some of them were irritated at his cleaning up the corruption. He was finally stabbed to death on March 15, 44 B.C. (known as the Ides of March) by his friend Brutus and some other people.
   Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavius, was the heir of Julius Caesar. He joined Mark Antony, who was a friend of Julius Caesar, and they defeated the men who killed Caesar. Then these two men ruled the Empire for the following ten years.
  Just as a side note: Mark Antony was married, for a time, to Cleopatra, of Egypt. He left her and then married Octavius' sister. Also, there is the thought that the concept of Caesarian section, which is removing a baby surgically from the mother instead of being born through natural means, came from Julius Caesar being one of the first people born by being surgically removed. This is just a possibility, and you can do your own research on it as well.

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