Thursday, February 2, 2012

True History - Veritas Card #28 - Pompeii Burns

Pompeii Burns - 79 A.D.

   In Rome, there was a prosperous, little city called 'Pompeii'. Wealthy Romans would spend their summers there. Shortly after Titus became emperor, on August 24, 79 A.D., the Romans living in Pompeii were taken by surprise! A small cloud appeared over the land and before the people actually knew what was happening, a volcano (Mount Vesuvius) had erupted. It buried the entire city in lava. Can you imagine that kind of tragedy? That summer day in 79 A.D., around 2,000 people died in this catastrophe. It reminds us that know one really can be sure of living many years to come. Death came suddenly for many people.
   It was during the 16th century when Pompeii was rediscovered. Excavation efforts began 200 years later. Because of the volcanic ash, everything was well preserved. We have been able to learn much about ancient Roman life from the discovery of the ruins of Pompeii. We can also learn that we cannot take life for granted. The Bible says that our life is like a vapor. It is only here for a short time, and we need to prepare for the next life. For more information on that, you can go to 

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