Wednesday, February 8, 2012

True History - Veritas Card #1 (Orange Card) - St. Augustine Converts to Christianity

St. Augustine Converts to Christianity - 386

    There was a lady named Monica, who was married to a wild man. Monica had a son by him and named him Augustine. Augustine, like his father, grew up to be a wild man. His mother prayed faithfully for him and Augustine came to Christ in 386. A week later, his mother died. Augustine was baptized by St. Ambrose, and became a monk. After that he became a priest, and eventually he became known as the 'Bishop of Hippo'. Hippo is in North Africa.
   When Augustine was a young man, he studied different philosophies and religions. With his knowledge of the Scriptures developing, he was able to oppose the teachings of Pelagius and also that of the Donatists. The Donatists strived for a pure church, while Pelagius maintained that people are not born with sinful hearts. Pelagius believed that sinful behavior is learned from bad examples.
   Augustine had two writings he accomplished. One was called, Confessions, which is a spiritual biography of his, and the other writing is called, City of God, which described two different communities; one human and the other was of God. It describes the tension of the two until the end of the world. Augustine's writings had a powerful impact upon the Christian community. Some think of Augustine as the greatest theologian since the Apostolic Age.

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