Thursday, February 9, 2012

Today in History - February 9, 1587 - Mary, Queen of Scots Beheaded

Mary Queen of Scots Beheaded - February 9, 1587

 “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe.” is a well-known quote from Mary Queen of Scots.
   She was born in Scotland   in 1542, and six days after her birth, her father died. The throne would automatically go to her, so her mom sent her to France for her schooling and training. She married, then was widowed a year later. After that she came back to Scotland.
  She married her cousin with the hopes of retaining the rights to the throne. But he was killed mysteriously, and her lover, the Earl of Bothwell, was the suspected killer. The marriage of the Earl of Bothwell and Mary Queen of Scots enraged the nobility. Mary was imprisoned, but escaped and returned to England, where she was welcomed by Queen Elizabeth. But there were suspicions of plots to overthrow Elizabeth and she was put under house arrest. Years later, a plot became known to murder Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots was brought to trial, convicted and sentenced to death. About twenty years later, in 1587, Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded because of treason. After the death of Elizabeth, in 1603, Mary Queen of Scot's son, James VI, took the throne of England, and ruled over Scotland, England and Ireland.

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