Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today in History - February 28, 1953 - Watson and Crick Discover DNA Structure

Watson and Crick Discover Chemical Structure of DNA - February 28, 1953

    This one is important for us to be aware of, because, with the discovery of the chemical structure of DNA, came a whole bunch of ideas and speculations on evolution. If a person already has a foundation of evolution being a proven fact, he or she will build theories and thinking based upon that.
   There is a book by Jonathan Wells called 'Icons of Evolution' that is an excellent read. www.amazon.com/Icons-Evolution-Science-Teach-About/dp/0895262002/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330444211&sr=8-1
   As you read articles such as this one about Watson and Crick, keep in mind that evolution (the theory that human beings evolved from other animals or forms of life) is only a theory, not a proven fact. I find it amazing when talking with evolutionists, that they hold the view that evolution is a proven fact. They obviously haven't researched it, or they wouldn't be saying that. It goes to show, that if an authority figure (such as Richard Dawkins) says a particular thing, and if we want to believe it is true, we will use the words of the authority figure as a base for what is true or false. Instead of doing the research for ourselves, the words of an authority figure serve us as a smoke screen to cover a bigger, different reality.
   Here is an excerpt from the article from www.history.com:

On this day in 1953, Cambridge University scientists James D. Watson and Frances H.C. Crick announce that they have determined the double-helix structure of DNA, the molecule containing human genes.
Though DNA--short for deoxyribonucleic acid--was discovered in 1869, its crucial role in determining genetic inheritance wasn't demonstrated until 1943. In the early 1950s, Watson and Crick were only two of many scientists working on figuring out the structure of DNA. California chemist Linus Pauling suggested an incorrect model at the beginning of 1953, prompting Watson and Crick to try and beat Pauling at his own game. On the morning of February 28, they determined that the structure of DNA was a double-helix polymer, or a spiral of two DNA strands, each containing a long chain of monomer nucleotides, wound around each other. According to their findings, DNA replicated itself by separating into individual strands, each of which became the template for a new double helix.    In his best-selling book, The Double Helix (1968), Watson later claimed that Crick announced the discovery by walking into the nearby Eagle Pub and blurting out that "we had found the secret of life." The truth wasn’t that far off, as Watson and Crick had solved a fundamental mystery of science--how it was possible for genetic instructions to be held inside organisms and passed from generation to generation.
Read the rest of the article at: www.history.com/this-day-in-history

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