Sunday, March 11, 2012

True History - Veritas Card #20 (Orange Card) - The Hundred Years War, The Black Death, and Joan of Ark

The Hundred Years War, The Black Death, and Joan of Ark - 1337 - 1453

    How would you like to have lived during the time of the world's longest lasting war? It was a war between the English and the French during the Middle Ages. It was started by Edward III in 1337, in order to enforce the English claim to the French throne.
      The weapon that the English used was the longbow, and the weapon of the French was the crossbow.  The longbow was definitely the more superior weapon, and the English were very successful in using it. But even though the English won many battles, the French actually won the war.
    King Henry V won a victory for the English in 1415, in Agincourt. As a result, the King of France signed a peace treaty with King Henry V. This action resulted in Henry V becoming a regent of France.
Not only that, but King Henry V also married Katherine, the daughter of the king of France, but he never lived long enough to become king of France. The final victory for France was won at Castillion in 1453.
    During this time period, the Black Death made its way throughout Europe, possibly killing one-half of the population. The plague lasted from 1348-1350.
    Also, during this time period, there was a young woman named 'Joan of Arc', who lived in Domremy, who claimed that she had contact with the angel Gabriel, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret. They told her to rescue the French from the English. Joan of Arc dressed up like a knight and led the French in a conquest of Orleans in 1429. Eventually, she was captured by the Burgundians, and then sold to the English. Then she was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Ultimately, the French won this long, drawn out battle.

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