Thursday, March 29, 2012

True History - Veritas Card #2 (Red Card) - Columbus Sails to the New World

Columbus Sails to the New World - 1492

   In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.... Well, he really did, and what a discovery he made. His search was intended to find spices and he found a new continent instead!
   Yesterday, we learned about Prince Henry's school of Navigation. One of the students there was Christopher Columbus.
   Columbus was born in Italy and became a navigator. This special trip he made in the year of 1492, was funded by Queen Isabella of Spain. He used three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria for the voyage.
   Just before the men on the ships discovered land, they were ready to commit mutiny and throw Christopher Columbus out of the ship, but, Columbus encouraged them to hang on a little longer, and so they did.
  The next day they spotted land. You have to remember, they were trying to find the Spice Islands, and Columbus did not realize how vast the ocean was, and how large the earth was. They landed off the coast of Florida, somewhere in the Bahamas.
   They had made four trips now, and when they were on this island, the crew thought they were at the Spice Islands, which would have been present day Japan. But they were actually on the other side of the world! They called the people that lived on the Island, 'Indians' because they thought they were at the Indies. They actually took some of the natives back with them. Columbus truly believed he was called to preach the Gospel to these 'Indians' and he actually died thinking that he had reached the Indies.

October 12th Columbus Day, with a yo-heave-ho , and he sailed along the ocean blue, with a yo-heave-ho!

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