Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Dark Time in History - The Black Plague

  There are many bright spots in History and we appreciate them. But there are many more dark spots in the History of mankind. The Black Plague is one of those times. Fortunately, there people wrote down things that they didn't want to forget, so we have much in writing about this event.
  The Black Plague, or Black Death, came to Europe in 1347, and spread throughout Europe and Scandinavia until 1349. It went through Russia in 1350, then came back around through Europe. Many people died from this plague. The disease itself was called 'Bubonic Plague' because of the little bumps that appeared on the bodies of its victims as the disease manifested itself. The plague could have been several types of diseases that attacked the people during this time, or it may have been a more specific type of disease. Medical care and attention was not prevalent in the Middle ages, so there was not enough research done to determine exactly what the disease was or how to cure it.
   The Black Death may have started in China, but no one knows for sure. There were different ways the plague was spread. Some of the diseases were carried by fleas. Others were spread when a person sneezed. There were 'Septicemic' plagues that spread through open sores.
  Whatever happens to mankind, whether it be good or bad, God is sovereign over all. We can pray and trust God with our lives. We could think like the three men who were caught praying to the True and Living God, when they were caught and about to be thrown in the fire, they made a firm decision to trust in the God they were praying to. But they indicated, that they were going to trust in God whether God delivered them from the fire, or not. God blessed them, and did deliver them while they were in the fire. God does not always take us out of the difficulties though. But He does promise to be with us while we are in them.
  We have no guarantee that there will never be another plague. We have no guarantee that a World War will not break out tomorrow morning. We don't have a promise that the earth will not be hit by a meteor. God doesn't promise us tomorrow. Yet, He does gracious bless us with wonderful things and promises to be with us through the storm if we know Him and are trusting in Him. No person knows what the last day of his or her life is. We might have a really long life that God has blessed us with. We might only have a few short years on earth. It is all under God's sovereign control. The key for us is to know God. We are not born knowing God. We are born separated from God, and we are spiritually dead, until He rescues us. We need to be rescued from our sins. We need to be rescued from ourselves. For more information on this, please go to The Gospel Conversation or Are You Good Enough For Heaven?
   Yes, the Black Plague devastated the world during the Middle Ages. Many died and suffered. Why did God allow this? The reason we have these things happening, is because of an event that took place thousands of Years ago. When God created the world, in the beginning, everything was perfect. Everything was beautiful. God called His creation 'good'. So, what happened? The devil tricked the first woman, Eve, into disobeying God. He got her to not trust in God, but to do exactly what God told her not to do. When that happened, not only was the fellowship broken that mankind had with God, but now the earth, the devil, and human beings were under a curse. That was when disease began. Not too long after this happened, the first murder took place. Everything that was beautiful was now chaotic. But God provided an answer to this dilemma when He sent His Son to earth. His Son took the curse upon Himself when He died on the Cross. When He comes back, He will restore the earth to the way it was in the beginning. You can read about this in the Bible in the book of Genesis, and the book of Revelation, and the books that are in between them! If you have any questions, please send an email to
Source on Black Death: Black Death Middle Ages

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