Friday, April 20, 2012

Today in History - April 21, 753 B.C. - Rome was Founded

Rome was Founded - April 21, 753 B.C.

     Today in History, 753 years before the birth of Christ, Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus, twin brothers who were ordered to drown at birth by their uncle, but were washed up on shore and nursed by a she-wolf, as the legend goes. Supposedly, the mother of the twins was Rhea Silvia, whose father was King Numitor. King Numitor was deposed by his brother (Rhea's uncle) and this uncle forced Rhea to become a 'vestal virgin' for fear that if she had a son, it would be a threat to the uncle being dethroned. Well, according to legend, Rhea became impregnated by the war god 'Mars', and gave birth to the twins.
   There is another story that has some credence to it, but not much documentation. I will paste the first paragraph of this theory here:
Another Roman foundation legend, which has its origins in ancient Greece, tells of how the mythical Trojan Aeneas founded Lavinium and started a dynasty that would lead to the birth of Romulus and Remus several centuries later. In the Iliad, an epic Greek poem probably composed by Homer in the eighth century B.C., Aeneas was the only major Trojan hero to survive the Greek destruction of Troy. A passage told of how he and his descendants would rule the Trojans, but since there was no record of any such dynasty in Troy, Greek scholars proposed that Aeneas and his followers relocated.
Source: Founded

  It is possible that we really don't know the origins of Rome, but the legends that go with its beginnings are made available to us. We can learn some History from them. 

For more information on the founding of Rome, go to the blog page here: Founding of Rome - Veritas Card 8

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