The design of the Great Seal contains a bald eagle clutching an olive branch in its right claw and on the left side are arrows. Some of the symbolism is fascinating because it reveals some of the thinking of the Founding Fathers of our nation.
Some think that our Forefathers were Masons, which is probably true. But the Masons today do not represent who the Masons were, years ago. Masons originally started out being just what their name implies; Masons. They were the basic brick layers of old. They also were a very religious group who clearly believed that God was creator. In early American days, anyone who was to become a Mason, and belong to this group, was required to believe in God Almighty. No Atheists were allowed to join. But the rules, like with so many other groups, had changed, and now the organization allows anyone to join as long as they have some kind of religious belief. Before, the belief had to be based upon the true and living God, as described in the Bible, but today it can be any deity or faith.
Some of the other designs on the Great Seal depict 13 vertical red and white stripes with a blue bar on the top, placed on the eagle's breast. On the head of the eagle, there are 13 rays corresponding with 13 stars. The words, e pluribus unum, which are written on a banner held by the eagle's mouth, mean, "Out of many, one".
The olive branch held by the eagle's talon represents peace, and the arrows on the left side represent war. It is thought that the 13 steps of the pyramid represent the 13 original states in early America.
The article here gives more detail on it. I also have a book recommendation that helps us to understand some of the thinking of our Forefathers. Were they Masons? Were they conspirators? Was there a secret plan, or, was their plans made manifest to us as found in their writings? Is there a tie-in with the Illuminati and Masons, and if so, when did it come about? Or, are the Mafia and the Illuminati hiding under the guise of Masonry?
Book recommendation:
This book is very informative. I had a lot of questions concerning conspiracy theories and the supposed tie-in with the founders of our country. I would highly recommend this book as well as others written by David Barton (