There is a battle that has
been going on since the beginning of time. It is a battle between good and
evil. The battle was in favor of evil winning when Eve obeyed the voice of the
snake (the devil) and led Adam to participate also. Ever since that time, the
beautiful earth that God created started to experience ugliness, suffering,
pain, and many difficulties that God did not intend for mankind to have. People
became perverted. People wanted to rule kingdoms, even if it were just the
people around them.
Perhaps you are thinking, I wouldn’t have done what Adam and
Eve did. I wouldn’t have listened to the voice of the snake. That voice is
still speaking to people today, and people are believing the lies from the
voice of the snake every day. The words that came out of the snake’s mouth were
from the devil. He still lies to people today, and he has specific lies
designed for each person he wants to take captive. He will keep you captive to his lies if you don't protect yourself from them.
As the population grew, more and more people were now living
on earth, wanting to control everyone else. When people didn’t get what they
wanted, they killed the person or people who got in the way of what they
wanted. It started with the first murder of Cain killing Abel. Abel understood
what sin was, and provided the right kind of atonement offering for his sin,
while Cain missed the boat altogether. Cain was angry that Abel got it right
and he didn’t, so he killed his brother. This trait continued on, and has continued
throughout all of human History. This trait has characterized men and women for
the past 5,000+ years, and can be seen more clearly expressing itself in realms
of governments, in any city, state, country or province.
There were kings in the Bible who killed people
because they didn’t get what they wanted. During the Middle Ages we see people
in authority taking advantage of others. We see the deception of rulers and the
cruelty of tyrants. Yet, God ordains governments and sets people in places to
rule. So, what is wrong, and what can we do about it?
Stay tuned as we continue on with our saga….